PDF Download Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God
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Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 5 hours and 14 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Audible.com Release Date: March 20, 2018
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
This is a critical review and I state that just as a distinction from a "negative" review because I know it is all too easy and common for believers to assume criticism on such issues as invalid coming from anyone outside (or even inside) the Christian community. I was part of the Christian community for decades, I prayed the prayer, I walked the aisle, I know what the Church looks like within and without. I AM someone who appreciates a lively debate on an issue, intellectual honesty, in-depth analysis and learning from those with a different take on an issue.The first and foremost important criticism of this book is that the title is misleading. The more accurate title of this book would be: "Inside the Christian Mind: Unmasking The Evangelical Fear Of Atheists". When the author attempts to get inside the mind of atheists, he only does so from his own perspective. If one truly wanted to write about the subject of the title instead of writing from a blatantly Christian perspective the author might have been able to find the humanity of the subject and provide some insight. As it reads, it is clear that the author is dismissive, even disdainful of atheism intellectually, emotionally, and morally. My questions to the author would include: how many atheists did you interview for this book? Did you really take the time to get to know any atheists as real people or learn about their thoughts on these topics?Based on the Author's book it seems Christians have a lot to be proud of, given that they alone seem to be the source of nearly all the goodness and progress in human history. To be certain, Christian organizations deserve much credit for hospitals, universities and charities of many kinds. Christian contributions to medicine, science, music, the arts and all kinds of benevolence are each an indelible part of Western civilization and world history. The influence and benefits of Christian virtues and goodness are incalculable, but that is not the whole story. Just as much as the positives must be accounted for, the negatives must also be included in an honest assessment of history.In the book's praise of Christianity's seeming monopoly on science, medicine and culture it widely ignores the influence and contributions of the other cultures. For centuries Muslim and Asian cultures were far more advanced than the West in science, mathematics, astronomy etc. For example, the number system we use (1,2,3 etc.) to this day in the West are called Arabic numerals, several cultures outside Europe independently invented the concept of the number zero, gunpowder was invented in China, etc. As with so many issues, we cannot ignore the contributions of others just to serve a convenient narrative (in this case: Christian superiority in the realm of science).The book also takes credit for much of the progress made over the past few centuries: ‘the ancient world was built on the backs of slaves but Christianity values human equality and dignity!’ According to the author the concepts of private property, workers’ rights and unionization have Christianity to thank for their very existence. And while many of those ideas have roots in Christian texts (both the Bible and other Christian-influenced philosophers), how many slave owners used those very scriptures to justify the owning of other human beings? How many centuries did kidnapping, rape, torture and murder of slaves continue while the rich and powerful men in Europe and the Americas turned a blind eye to the atrocities? Not to discount those who opposed slavery, but such a system could only continue to operate with the tacit consent of countless officials of whom the VAST majority were white male Christians. This is another example of the false premise that somehow Christians have a greater compassion and moral compass than other ‘non-believers’.The author takes every possible opportunity to remind the reader of all the atrocities that have occurred under non-religious governments: Hitler’s Third Reich; Stalin’s Russia, and Mao’s China killed tens of millions in the 20th century. Terrible acts and a tragic loss of life without question, yet none of those millions were slaughtered for the purpose of atheistic aims. Each of those savage governments essentially substituted the State itself as the state sanctioned religion rather than to allow religious freedom, that is not atheistic government but a cult of worship under fear of punishment.While repeatedly attempting to link atheism to murderous regimes, the author also gives a pass to religious involvement in the Middle Age involvement in the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition. The author states that there is no way to have accurate numbers on how many people were put to death during the Spanish Inquisition and the likely number is “only about 3,000â€. Well, I’m sure those 3,000 murdered people feel so much better that it was really no big deal. The Crusades also had an estimated 1,000,000 people who died in those wars, but they were spread out over nearly 200 years so it must be not as terrible, right? After all, if it happened a long time ago and the records aren’t very precise then the Church gets a free pass apparently. The irony of the Church attempting to convert others to their beliefs, or punish them for failing to hold their beliefs, is that in Ancient Rome there were examples of Christians being punished for their beliefs; in fact, their new religious sect was considered atheism at one time!In nearly every chapter of his book, the Author states that atheists love using “Straw-man argumentsâ€, yet in each and every chapter the author sets up his own straw-men only to knock them down with ease. For example, on page 78 he explains what easy opponents straw-men are and in the same paragraph calls atheists ‘nothing but dim-witted bullies…cowards…’. I suppose because he likes a side of ad-hominem with his straw-man. There are too many straw-men to even list, but most of them are based on little more than a quote from a blog or an atheist celebrity who says something that is disagreed with, repeatedly showing contempt for not just atheistic ideas but the people who hold them.Another issue with this book is that in its zeal to ‘disprove’ the atheist position it spouts the same tired clichés. ‘Atheism is a religion!’ Nope. ‘Atheists hate God!’ Funny! ‘Hordes of atheists are out to get you and your children!’ Certain American denominations have been preaching that directly and indirectly for decades, and it is a useful boogieman to keep the flock in line but it is little more than an anecdote. How many Christians who honestly are worried about the influence of atheists on them or their children have sat down and shared a meal with an atheist? To speak with someone who has different beliefs about such important issues is always enlightening, and opening up a dialog in an honest and vulnerable way helps us connect with another on a very human level instead of just spouting talking points at each other.An oft-repeated idea that many a Christian used is “If I was an atheist I could do anything I wanted!†Essentially, ‘I could steal, rape, kill or anything I wanted. And why not? It’s not like a god will punish me for it!’ But if atheists are such awful people, one must ask, are the prisons then brimful of atheists? Looking at statistics from the Federal Bureau of Prisons shows that about 0.10% of the prison population are atheists, while over 50% of prisoners are Catholic or Protestant. Did someone forget to tell the thousands of Christians who are convicted of crimes each year that only atheists are supposed to do that?Perfectly illustrating the mischaracterized idea that so many Christians seem to have about atheists is a line from page 89 in which the author states, “The bottom line is that an atheist may act in a virtuous manner—but not because he must. Without God, moral precepts are simply personal codes of conduct.†YES. It is ALWAYS a choice, for atheists, for Christians, for everyone. What kind of argument is it that a virtuous atheist is somehow lesser than virtuous theist? Is a virtuous atheist better than an unvirtuous believer? Is an atheist child molester worse than a Christian child molester? If the only thing that keeps a religious person from being a murderer, a thief or a rapist is the threat of divine punishment or the hope of a heavenly reward then that person is NOT a good person.It seems to me that this book is another product of the religious right having lost their way. Christian thinkers and activists such as Bonhoeffer, Kierkegaard, Martin Luther King Jr. (among others) were each men of conviction who contributed ideas or actions to a cause bigger than themselves. The American religious right however, appears to have sold their soul decades ago when any shred of focus on virtue and spiritual growth was exchanged for short-term political power and greed. They sold out and they were bought up cheap.Finally, perhaps at some point Christians in America will have had enough of an “Us versus Them†mentality and will change their attitudes regarding those who believe differently, that day will be a welcome relief for all sides. For too long the religious right have claimed to be concerned with the moral decay in America, yet have thrown their lot in with political Pharisees again and again. Their politicians have become more and more likely to embody everything they claim to oppose: lying, cheating, bigotry, racism, inequality and narcissism. Just looking at the characteristics the author attempts to apply to atheists, one can clearly see the current red-hatted savior within: arrogant, ignorant, ruthless, intolerant, shallow, cowardly, death-centered, malevolent. The Christianity I grew up knowing used to take things like charity, humility and kindness seriously but it seems that the Good News has been replaced by “Fake News!!!â€
I would have considered this book to be clever had it been written tongue in cheek. However, it was not.Anthony DeStefano reminds me of tge worst kind of preacher. The kind who decides that he knows the truth and reads his dogma into the Bible instead of legitimately seeking truth.In short, this book is not only very poorly researched, but Destano's arguments tend to teater on being hilariously ironic as he is often guilty of committing the same fallacies that he accuses atheists of as he presents his long winded, arrogant, and ignorant perception of how atheists are guilty of said fallacies.For this reason... I'll be honest, this was a pretty fun book to read. It reminds me very much of when I was trying to share the gospel with a homeless gentleman who was as opinionated and arrogant as he was ignorant.As such, even though this book deserves negative stars for how bad it is, I decided to still give it a star.
1. As I look down over the other reviews, I noticed that only 3 people in the 1 star category were verified purchases and only 1 in the 3 star was a verified purchaser.2. Of course atheists are going to give it a bad review. We watched Mr DeStefano on EWTN and he even said that most of the reviews came out before the book was even released.3. I believe in the Holy Trinity and I pray for those who do not. May God have mercy on your souls.
Bertrand Russell, perhaps an “old atheist,†wrote many decades that “the good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.†Anthony deStefano makes a compelling case of just how far the most prominent “new atheists†of our day fall woefully short of the mark in both knowledge and love. Those who see these writers as paragons of intelligence, compassion, and moral enlightenment would do well to read these pages (especially before posting a review) to see the new atheists' malevolence, ignorance, ruthlessness, intolerance, and more exposed, not merely through the kinds of bombastic ad hominen and straw man arguments they so often employ, but through their own words, factual data, and well-articulated logical arguments.
Quite the rant! I thought it was an amusing read, but honestly, if your faith is strong, you won't need this book. What others think will not matter to you. If it does, you need to reevaluate yourself, and your faith.
The book attacks atheists as many people attack theists, such as Richard Dawkins. The author presents good evidence in his arguments, as he snaps back at common atheist beliefs. His position isn't one directly towards christianity, although it is close. His argument in this book is directly towards proving athiesm is unproductive. I have yet to read a book with such a position, so I am happy to have it in my collection
A bit repetitive but very convincing. Well documented.
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Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God PDF
Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God PDF
Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God PDF
Inside the Atheist Mind: Unmasking the Religion of Those Who Say There Is No God PDF
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From the Back Cover
"This is a key health care financial management textbook designed to build the economics and financial management skills nurses and nurse leaders need to use daily. This second edition provides several new features that will add to its value as a timely and highly relevant text for RN-to-BSN, BSN, and MSN students in a variety of academic nursing programs. It is aligned with the standards established by AONE, AACN, and other health care professional organizations for economics and financial management education. The text has been significantly revised to simplify its ncontent and to be useful within both traditional in-class format and hybrid and on-line distance courses and programs. The book provides multiple opportunities for experiential learning such as writing business plans and health program grant proposals. It delivers enhanced discussions of cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis, discusses budget preparation, offers strategies for controlling budget costs, and updates health reform policy, health care spending, and other relevant policies and statistics. The text discusses patient advocacy and interdisciplinary teamwork as they relate to economic and financial issues. Its engaging format promotes the synthesis of economics and finance across the nursing curriculum through the use of case examples, end-of-chapter exercises, discussion questions, and games based on concepts within the text. Additionally, tips throughout the book alert students about the need to apply concepts from other aspects of their education to economic and financial situations. The text also includes on-line supplemental material for teachers and students including Excel spreadsheets, games, a test bank, and PowerPoint slides. Key Features: Aligned with AACN and AONE guidelines erves as a primary financial management text for a great variety of nursing academic programs Facilitates experiential learning through end-of-chapter exercises, games, tips for synthesizing knowledge, and case examples Designed for use in traditional classrooms and for hybrid and on-line distance programs Presents new chapter on measuring nursing care with indicators for capacity, staffing, patient acuity, performance, and patient flow "
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About the Author
Susan J. Penner, DrPH, MN, MPA, RN, CNL, is adjunct faculty, School of Nursing and Health Professions, University of San Francisco, where she teaches courses on health care economics and financial management both on campus and online. She has experience teaching in traditional BSN programs (California State University East Bay), and RN-BSN and online/distance nursing programs (California State University East Bay; California State University Fullerton, Holy Names University in Oakland, CA, and Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, CA), along with other teaching posts. Dr. Penner has 16 peer-reviewed publications to her credit. In addition to publishing the first edition of Introduction to Health Care Economics and Financial Management (2004) and the 2nd edition of this textbook, Dr. Penner has contributed chapters to five textbooks.
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Product details
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company; 2 edition (March 21, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0826110495
ISBN-13: 978-0826110497
Product Dimensions:
7 x 1 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
14 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#261,444 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
MEH. Content is excellent, but the formatting and highlighting of key concepts and terminology is poor. Next edition should correct this problem and also change the spacing and fonts so that the text is easier on the eyes and leaves the intended impression. Lazy editing. Seems to be a case of just wanting to get this textbook published without properly editing it.
Well, written, easy to follow text for nurses who wish to improve their managerial skills in regards to financial management. The book goes into detail on insurance, health billing, types of budgets, and writing business plans and grant proposals. The examples given in the book are helpful. I would recommend this book to others.
This book should be read by all nurses because majority of nurses are not exposed to the financial aspects of healthcare.
Very pleased with the arrival time.
My book was in great condotion! I'm using this book and my professor had all of us students refer to the text's cd, however my book never came with a cd. That was the only downfall otherwise it is a good book!
Great book. Great condition!
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Economics and Financial Management for Nurses and Nurse Leaders PDF
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Product details
File Size: 1753 KB
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Publication Date: August 24, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,171 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)
This is a terrible book. Grammar errors everywhere, and convoluted explanations rather than clear instructions. Impossible to learn anything except the very basics of how to record a macro, which I already knew. I bought this because of the 4.5 star review. BEWARE.
I got this book for my younger brother , he has been facing problems learning Excel in details, VBA user form and controls and Excel charts are what he find difficult but this guide is to the point and language used throughout the book is easy and makes it easy to get the difficult points. good practices included.
This books contains strategies and techniques to really master excel macros. You will be learning macro recording basics and it has an easy to follow steps in doing recording a macro in excel. Screenshots are truly a help to understand the instructions clearly. Very organized book.
A well written book which has complete information and full of learning book about Excel macros. I read this book and can recommend to beginners and as well as experts because I also learn many new tips.
I bought this book for two reasons; firstly because it was cheap and secondly, thought it would give me a good foundation on vba and writing my own macros.While it had the basic concepts in the first couple chapters, I got really confused from chapter 3 when variables was explained. The author used too many acronyms for someone that is new with no clear definition of what they mean.This put me off and i could not grasp some of the terminology used which is a shame.
A good book that really allows you to learn new skills in Microsoft Excel, namely work with macros, improve the security of macros, and much more, I advise everyone to read it!
This book offers tips, tricks, and detailed explanations along with the actual Excel macros so you can see how they work and where they can be applied.
This book is completely unhelpful. It covers only a few concepts and explains them very poorly. I think it might have been written in another language and translated. There are grammar errors. I'm completely dissatisfied.
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Language Notes
Text: English Original Language: French
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From the Inside Flap
t an existential portrayal of Hell, the reworking of the Electra-Orestes story, the conflict of a young intellectual torn between theory and conflict and an arresting attack on American racism.
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Product details
Paperback: 275 pages
Publisher: Vintage; Reissue edition (October 23, 1989)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0679725164
ISBN-13: 978-0679725169
Product Dimensions:
5.2 x 0.6 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
104 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#23,527 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Sartre makes Existentialism come alive through these plays. The philosophical ideas are made understandable and one does not even have to know that this is an Existentialist work, in other words, the plays stand on their own as interesting and well written. I would have paid the full price just for the one play No Exit. Fantastic stuff - highly recommended.
A classic Sartre work, "No Exit", grouped with three other plays not previously known to me when I first picked up this book many years ago. "No Exit" remains one of my all-time favorites and often Sartre's definition of hell finds its way into my conversations and thoughts.Any fan of mid-20th century existential brilliance will fall in love here. It's like Camus, without the social justice.
Classic plays by the French Existentialist. Rather similar to the superior collection, Caligula & 3 other plays, by Albert Camus.
Item arrived on time & as described. very pleased.
This book is an answer to a question many people have been avoiding all their lives. And when you finally develop the ability to ask it to yourself, Sartre provides his suggested answer for you, though it may not be the answer you wanted.The premise of the main play, "No Exit", is that many people have chosen to exist in misery, even when the exit to that misery presents itself clearly. For these people, there is "no exit". Their existance is defined by their misery. If they make the concious decision to exit, then they have nothing to live for.All four plays are written in non-pretentious and easy to understand styles, unlike many philisophical writings. They don't require a great deal of effort to read or understand. In fact, they are quite enjoyable and I found myself reading each play many times before moving on to the next one.Don't expect to feel uplifted about the state of humanity while reading these plays, however. Sartre's message about human existance can be a dismal one. It is quite helpful, though, to come to terms with the fact that many of our fellow humans are just puzzled about their lives, and sharing a social existance with these people can be precarious to your own search for meaning.
It's funny how much the television show "The Good Place" was inspired by No Exit.
I definitely recommend this collection for any fan of existential theater. This collection of plays is not for the faint of heart as they require serious study and are contemplative in nature. Most will buy this for No Exit, but the other plays are just as fantastic.
I hadn’t read any of Sartre’s work before I bought this. While I have to admit at times wordy and boring the good parts are worth the linguistic pleasantries of 1940s Europe.
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No Exit and Three Other Plays, by Jean-Paul Sartre PDF
No Exit and Three Other Plays, by Jean-Paul Sartre PDF
No Exit and Three Other Plays, by Jean-Paul Sartre PDF
No Exit and Three Other Plays, by Jean-Paul Sartre PDF
PDF Ebook , by Bryan Lee O'Malley
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, by Bryan Lee O'Malley
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Product details
File Size: 189131 KB
Print Length: 224 pages
Publisher: Oni Press (November 7, 2012)
Publication Date: November 7, 2012
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#61,924 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Bryan O'Malley's run pokes fun at the banalities of life while making you feel like a twenty something kid again. The art is charming and original (even if you read Japanese comics). The diverse cast of characters are unique archetypes that keep you hoping they will come back in every panel. May slightly confuse those unfamiliar with videogame pop-culture, but not enough to distract one from the story. My wife especially loved the interlude short stories. Scott Pilgrim will leave you wishing for more once you've completed this six volume series.
I purchased this as an e-book, so understand that everything I reference is from reading this on a 10" tablet.I got my son hooked on Scott Pilgrim before the movie came out. He's worn out his original set of books. When I saw the color versions available and that it was available as an e-book, I jumped on the chance. The art jumps off the page in the bigger format (thanks to the tablet's screen being larger than the original books), the colors are vibrant and well-done, and it feels like reading the series again for the first time.The story itself is rich, complex, and for being such a fantastic subject, very realistic when it comes to its characterizations.I can't wait until the rest of the volumes are available in color!
This is where it begins to get hilarious and in-depth. You find out more about each character as their development begins to flourish, and at the same time it enables one to focus on many characters, opening up subplots revolving around The Band, Knives, and Scott's new gf. It feels real in certain elements of realistic relationships and at the same time it still utilizes fantasy elements to give more depth to a decent story.
Leveled up and now I'm here at volume 2. Our protagonist Scott Pilgrim is continuing on his journey battling Ramona's evil ex boyfriends, being in a band, being in a relationship and not having a job. He's pretty much living the typical life of your average 23 yr old Canadian slacker be it being pummeled by a movie star evil ex and then daring him into performing a skateboard stunt or having his heart strings tugged on by the imminent return of the ex that broke his heart and went on to become a rock star. Scott Pilgrim is back and he's still unemployed and hilarious as ever. The writing is just as hilarious as the first you won't regret reading it at all. I was happy to read volume 2 it kept the same levity of the first volume and had absolutely no drawbacks as far as I'm concerned, if you want a fun read then read it, if not don't. See you at volume 3 slackers!*Also on a side note for parents who are worried about their child reading this book there is no drugs, sex, or profanity to worry about.
Being honest, I can't say that I like the color versions of Scott Pilgrim better than the original black and white. There was something a bit bleak and depressing about the black and white that suited this love story well. Combine that with the fact that it takes place in Canada, and you can call the original artwork appropriately barren. However, if you've already read the originals and then saw the movie, you'll have a new found appreciation for the new hardback color editions of O'Malley's work. It's like the original art was melded with the adapted film and they make for a very cool hybrid.
I had to see what's with these books after I seen the movie. The movie just exploded with originality and style. Then I found they were based on graphic novels of a Bill O Maley. After reading the first scott pilgrim one I was naturally curious and to see how they measured to the movie. After reading the first two book I automatically knew that this Bill O Maley hit it right on the button. If you into comics, then you love this. If you into magna style books.. you still love this. Its very rare for something like this to be popular as it is now. I wish I knew bout these in high school.. but better late than never. The story is funny, the script dialogue is really natural.. it makes you get interested in these fictional characters. Even the way its looks.. a simple design of characters but with slight anime/magna influenced. If you seen the movie it still worth to get these as they go into the world of story further than it does in the movie. If you never seen the movie I really recommend to get these books then watch the movie. Either way if you pick up this book there very good chance that you wont put it down til you done with it. As fellow comic writer and fan I highly recommend this for anyone even remotely interested in this crazy world of video games, rock indie music, 20' s somethings weird olds, and the old factor of love conquers all in a very new aspect point of view. PICK IT UP! p.s. the i played the game too.. triple hit this franchise has become!
I read the original black and white series years ago and did not think I would like the color version. However this is a great collection to have and I am enjoying rereading it all over again
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